Secret of the Orphanage

Project Duration: September 3, 2024 – September 18, 2024

About This Project

This project was my first collaborative experience at CMU ETC. I was responsible for the game’s 3D art, visual effects, and scene rendering. Within two weeks, I independently created all 3D models and textures for the game, and additionally, I developed skeletal animations for the monsters. Using Unity, I built the game environment and implemented particle effects and post-processing to enhance the visuals.

The project utilized the Xbox Adaptive Controller as the game controller. We designed a miniature bed model with buttons placed on it to simulate the actions of tidying a bed.

The game centered around the theme of bed-making, with a strong emphasis on simulating realistic interactions. To achieve the effect of uneven corners on the bed sheet, the sheet was divided into four sections. Each section used cloth simulation to replicate various scenarios where the corners appeared randomly untidy.