Project Duration: January, 2024 – April, 2024
About This Project
“Carve a Face for Abyssi” is a card development game where players assume the roles of leaders of interstellar civilizations, developing next-generation societies on the planet Abyssi. Players must compete to develop technology and escape the planet before its end.
development cards(three technological ages)72 A.R.K Project cards(main faction cards)3
datamining board1 & data token40
seven orifices7 & step token7

The game consists of three rounds: First, Second, and Third Technological Ages, ending when seven progress bars are filled or after the Third Age if not. There are 7 turns in the first two ages, each with two phases: 1) Play a card from the hand to execute its effect, build a part of the A.R.K. project, or sell it for resources, and 2) Pass remaining cards to the next player.